Frequently asked questions

Where can you buy Mela juice?

We are widely distributed throughout New Zealand. Your favourite cafe or supermarket doesn't sell Mela? We can change that together, please tell them about us, spread the word!

If you are interested in stocking our juices please contact us. We will even give you a free window sticker.

How do you get in touch about wholesale?

Please email wholesale enquiries to or phone +64 6 304 8012

What does Mela cost to deliver?

Wellington region:
Free delivery

Within New Zealand:
Free delivery for 10+ cartons

Outside New Zealand:
Please contact us for shipping costs

What is the minimum order?

One carton of any single variety.

1 carton = 12 x 330ml glass bottles
1 carton = 8 x 2-litre HDPE bottles (HDPE is #1 recyclable)